Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Some Answers.... You know you want them.

Well I know people will have plenty of questions. So I am going to try my best to answer some of them. Ready? Okay.

This is something that I felt laid on my heart for a long time. The longer it lay there the more heavy the weight of it got. Then I "meet" Momma C. She was so excited about her upcoming adoption and oh my how it showed! This was one lucky kid. So much love already. I would imagine how much more love there would be once baby was actually in her arms! This got me thinking about that heavy feeling my heart held. Then Momma C had to tell us all the unthinkable happen. The adoption failed. I could only imagine that heartbreak. But it planted that seed in my head again. And there it sat... and it grew. In time I had The Things and they grew. God did they grow! Thing 1 and Thing 2 are pretty much crawling now. And there are days that I think... oh boy... I'm in trouble.  Then as the Things hit about 8 months I had a serious talk with Momma C and I told her all about this tree (yes its a tree now) in my head and heart. It was telling me that I was to give Momma C Daddy C and their daughter the missing piece of that family puzzle they were missing. Then I talked it over with Aaron... who was reluctant at first then saw the meaning behind it. He saw what it ment to me. He was now on board. It helps that right now we know we can't afford another baby. Or even handle one right now!

We thought and started talking about next spring/early summer. And then God laughed... as often as he does when one makes plans for their life. And BAM.... here I am pregnant. We both knew from the start that THIS WAS NOT our baby. This was Momma C's baby. Much sooner than we expected but here baby is!

Spirtually I am not attached to this baby as I was my own. I have this peace about me that while I am the one physically pregnant this really isn't our baby. It just isn't I am just the vessel that brings new life to the light. Its hard to explain to those that either haven't been there or haven't ever explored this option. But even just so far its been a great joy and honor to step out on this path. 

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