Thursday, September 6, 2012

From a Birth Mother

First and foremost.... I DID NOT WRITE THIS LETTER! But I had to share it with all of you as I felt like this fits perfectly with how I feel about everything right now. Sure there are tiny what if moments but this isn't about ME. This isn't about AARON. This really isn't about what WE want at all. This is about a baby that needs the best. We know that isn't with us. We are the best for our existing bunch and to be selfish would be wrong. This is about a family that has been waiting a long time to expand their family. This is about us helping them see a dream come true. This baby chose them. This baby also chose us, but only because baby saw that there was more than enough love and strength to make sure he or she gets to their family.

That being said I hope you enjoy!

My Dearest Matthew,

I have a strong belief that we get to choose our family before we are born. That we live with God before we become a flesh and blood person and He offers us a number of people to be our families on earth. As a result of this belief, I wrote you a short story.

Once a small angel waited by the pool of life. Eager to jump in, he started to put his big toe into the warm comforting water. 

"Matthew," God called, "Before you can be born, you must choose the family with which you will reside. Come......choose your new home from the Great Tree."

The Great Tree loomed above Matthew. Its beautiful golden branches made his step falter with awe. Angels flittered everywhere, hovering like hummingbirds under the wide canopy; they gently plucked the brown leaves.

Kneeling so that he could speak into Matthew's ear, God whispered, "one of those branches holds your family. All you need to do is choose the family you want. Touch a branch and it will show you all the joys and trials that you will have in that life." With that, God lifted the boy up the the tree and asked, "which leaves would you like to look at first?"

Many hours later and after looking at many, many families, Matthew did not see any that he liked and so he asked God, "May we look at the very tippy top?"

Heavenly Father smiled a warm and comforting smile. "Those are the adopting families" He thought. He did not say a word but simply moved to the highest and most center part of the tree.

Matthew looked and looked, but he still didn't find any families that he was happy with. He was just about to give up when he saw one ot the leaves sparkle. He reached out and touched the branch, and he knew that was his home. Excited, he turned his little head to God and exclaimed, "This is it! This is my family! They are the ones I want to be with! They are waiting for ME!:

The Lord looked at the branch and smiled. It had two large leaves and one small one. "That is a very special family my son. You will not be able to go to them the traditional way." Upon seeing the crushed look on Matthews face, God continued, "You get to choose another mother, she will be your birth mother and she will be guided ot your parents and you will end up in their arms as you have chosen to be."

After another long while, Matthew found someone, he believed, would be a great birthmother. Beaming he touched another branch and said, "This one! She will love me and she will want me to be happy with my family, I choose her!" Again God smiled.

Thank you for choosing me. Much love always and forever~

Your Birthmother, Cristal

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