I'm hoping this is a staying trend. As with my last two pregnancies I was crazy sick and couldn't eat much till well into my second trimester. But I'm eating and HOLDING DOWN (that is even more important) food. Oh yes! Its on! If you couldn't figure it out, I LOVE FOOD.... well I LOVE GOOD FOOD! And I'm willing to try just about anything. Cause the most surprising things can actually be really good.
Not a lot to really update on just waiting out the 19th so that I get to come home and first send Momma C and Daddy C a picture of Baby R! Then I will of course share with all of you! Hopefully you all understand the need to share with Momma and Daddy first, since they can't actually be here to come and see for them selves. Hopefully Momma C will be able to come up at some point during the pregnancy and just maybe if I'm lucky we can set up an ultrasound for while she's here. I know she's love that!
Your AMAZING Ashley!!
ReplyDeleteThank you! This is MUCH more about what Momma C is getting than it is me though. She waited long enough for baby R, now that wait is just about over!