Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Long time after

So this will serve as an update, as I have had a lot going on. And I know I failed in keeping this up while I was pregnant with Baby R. Who now is dubbed Piggy! His pregnancy was rather easy, no big excitement. Well, that's kind of a lie... there was the tornado that struck us the day of his anatomy scan. Thankfully nobody in my or Piggy's family was hurt. Though his sister and Mommy got a good scare out of it. Although I can tell you it was rather terrifying to know that I DROVE though it! Wow! I will not be seeking out a career as a storm chaser. But aside for that it wasn't a physically hard pregnancy and for that I'm very thankful.

His birth.. that's a slightly different story. I had no signs that I'd be going into labor soon. And it just hit all at once. So when he was ready he was coming NOW! I have even talked to Mommy C earlier that night and told her that with just 3 days till Piggy's due date I was feeling great and had no signs of a baby coming any time soon. We were ready for an over due baby. I went to bed and in the middle of the night I went down stairs to talk to Aaron. After climbing up the stairs again I went to lay down and labor hit me like a ton of bricks. Contractions every five minutes and getting closer. Go time at 2 am. Why not right? Well I got myself, yes I'm the crazy woman that drove herself to the hospital while in active labor (and no I don't suggest this), to the hospital and admitted to L&D. Where they ordered an ultrasound to check the position and all of Piggy. This was cause I was attempting a VBAC or vaginal birth after c-section. I got a little something to take the edge off the contractions and it made me a tiny bit loopy.. like seeing pink monkies loopy. Yep. Well the tech that came in and did my ultrasound had the oddest look on his face, so I asked if everything was ok. "Yes, but you're due in three days?" I told his I was sure of it. And was shocked when he told me that Piggy was measuring 41 weeks and was on estimate gonna be a "ten ponder". He'd also mentioned that it looked as if his head was going to be too big for my pelvis. All of this was relayed to the OB on call, who happens to be my OB's unofficial partner. She came and meet with me explained that DR. B was out of town and she was his alternative, then we assessed the situation together to decided what we'd do, be it to continue the TOL (Trial of Labor) or go a head and set me up for the next OR slot. After all things were considered, we went for the RCS (repeat c-section). And it was a good thing, as Things 1 & 2 were only 16 months old, I had what they call a uterine window. This means that they could quite literally see through my uterus and see Piggy in there. Though I will never forget what this woman said as she's down there getting ready to pull Piggy out.... "Is that his butt?!" Yep! the little turkey flipped in the short time between the scan, the doc feeling my belly for him and the surgery. The Doctor was clearly shocked. And with that Piggy was born into this world. With his Mom, Dad and big sister on their way to the hospital to be with me/us. April 26th, 2013 and he was NOT a little baby... he was a whopping 8 pounds and 14 ounces! Holy Moley!

Sadly Piggy did spend a little time in the NICU.  Thankfully it wasn't anything major or out of the ordinary. Some "larger" babies can have troubles regulating their blood sugar at first. This was Piggy's issue. He was however the biggest baby there! And he had two amazing nurses. One who really helped me with the letting go process. And I can't lie, even knowing this wasn't a child that was ever meant to be mine, having him there, it was very hard to let go. Even his Mother helped me in a way I don't even think she knows, she asked, then allowed me to care for him as my own for a very short period. Though in a way it really helped. I now have some time that only I ever had with him. And they are mine and his forever. I call them our "stolen moments". Mommy C and family came and we so excited to see Piggy! Rightfully so. His big sister ADORES this kid let me tell you! She is just so in love with being a sister. There isn't a way I could have chosen a better family in a million life times. I will never forget while I was getting dressed how this little girl wretched my heart. She was fearful that I was getting ready to take her bother home with me. She sat down in front of the door and refused to move. Then at first didn't want to talk to me. Finally she let me assure her that I WAS NOT taking her baby away. I made a promise and I can't break a promise. And on his due date (just 3 days later) Piggy got to go home with his family. My hear of course broke a little. And this is a huge reason why I haven't been back to this before now. I needed time to heal. Now I've not ever regretted this adventure,but there is pain involved.

Now Piggy, why do I call him Piggy? Well its the nickname I gave him cause he was just that a little piggy! He would eat EVERY TWO HOURS like clock work. According to his mother he was finishing 2 oz bottles from the start! And every once in a while he'd make little piggy noises, at least for me. I think Mommy C said the same but even if not he did for me! He's a toddler now. Wow! Its been a year of recovery, of learning and growth. I get to watch him grow, and of course I still talk to Mommy C, though not as often as I used to. The day I had Piggy my family grew. I now have a niece and nephew, a "sister" and a "brother-in-law". And one day, hopefully sooner rather than later we'll all be able to get our toops in order to have a fun day!!

All in all this is an adventure of my life that I will cherish for the rest of time.

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