Wednesday, November 7, 2012

15 weeks... all this craziness!

We are at 15 weeks and I know I haven't updated for a few weeks. Bad me. You know life with four kids is crazy! Sadly I don't have much of an update cause my OB had some emergency that took him out of town. But I have an appointment tomorrow! Right now I'm home bound, not by choice though. My van though that it needed a new radiator. I'm now going a bit stir crazy because of it. On the upside though Baby B (formally Baby R cause mommy and daddy have picked out names!) is in fact growing and starting to let me feel those little movements that assure me s/he is just fine in there. I can't sleep on my belly either. You can't see it but I'm making a sad panda face right now. I love sleeping on my belly, when I'm not nursing a sleepy twin. I still don't think I look pregnant though. Still just looking fat or bloated. I've also not told my family and only a few close friends know about what it going on. Timing hasn't been right and think I'm going to wait till we know the sex, or I'm actually starting to show. We will see what comes first. But none the less I'm sharing this will all of you! Cause well its exciting, I can't just keep it to myself. Why should I? This is exciting stuff. I mean Mama C and her family are getting something they have longed for. They have waited so long for this and to be a part of this truly makes me happy. It warms my heart to know that this child will have two families that love  him/her so much.  I can't think of a more deserving family either. They have so much to give. This is one lucky kid! Yes part of me is a little sad to think I won't be there for the day to day, but this isn't our child, s/he never was. I was just hand picked to get Baby B here safe and sound with ten perfect fingers and toes. All the cute little baby parts. So I'm going to do just that.

I hope you are all safe in the aftermath of Sandy and that this finds you all well!

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