Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Long time after

So this will serve as an update, as I have had a lot going on. And I know I failed in keeping this up while I was pregnant with Baby R. Who now is dubbed Piggy! His pregnancy was rather easy, no big excitement. Well, that's kind of a lie... there was the tornado that struck us the day of his anatomy scan. Thankfully nobody in my or Piggy's family was hurt. Though his sister and Mommy got a good scare out of it. Although I can tell you it was rather terrifying to know that I DROVE though it! Wow! I will not be seeking out a career as a storm chaser. But aside for that it wasn't a physically hard pregnancy and for that I'm very thankful.

His birth.. that's a slightly different story. I had no signs that I'd be going into labor soon. And it just hit all at once. So when he was ready he was coming NOW! I have even talked to Mommy C earlier that night and told her that with just 3 days till Piggy's due date I was feeling great and had no signs of a baby coming any time soon. We were ready for an over due baby. I went to bed and in the middle of the night I went down stairs to talk to Aaron. After climbing up the stairs again I went to lay down and labor hit me like a ton of bricks. Contractions every five minutes and getting closer. Go time at 2 am. Why not right? Well I got myself, yes I'm the crazy woman that drove herself to the hospital while in active labor (and no I don't suggest this), to the hospital and admitted to L&D. Where they ordered an ultrasound to check the position and all of Piggy. This was cause I was attempting a VBAC or vaginal birth after c-section. I got a little something to take the edge off the contractions and it made me a tiny bit loopy.. like seeing pink monkies loopy. Yep. Well the tech that came in and did my ultrasound had the oddest look on his face, so I asked if everything was ok. "Yes, but you're due in three days?" I told his I was sure of it. And was shocked when he told me that Piggy was measuring 41 weeks and was on estimate gonna be a "ten ponder". He'd also mentioned that it looked as if his head was going to be too big for my pelvis. All of this was relayed to the OB on call, who happens to be my OB's unofficial partner. She came and meet with me explained that DR. B was out of town and she was his alternative, then we assessed the situation together to decided what we'd do, be it to continue the TOL (Trial of Labor) or go a head and set me up for the next OR slot. After all things were considered, we went for the RCS (repeat c-section). And it was a good thing, as Things 1 & 2 were only 16 months old, I had what they call a uterine window. This means that they could quite literally see through my uterus and see Piggy in there. Though I will never forget what this woman said as she's down there getting ready to pull Piggy out.... "Is that his butt?!" Yep! the little turkey flipped in the short time between the scan, the doc feeling my belly for him and the surgery. The Doctor was clearly shocked. And with that Piggy was born into this world. With his Mom, Dad and big sister on their way to the hospital to be with me/us. April 26th, 2013 and he was NOT a little baby... he was a whopping 8 pounds and 14 ounces! Holy Moley!

Sadly Piggy did spend a little time in the NICU.  Thankfully it wasn't anything major or out of the ordinary. Some "larger" babies can have troubles regulating their blood sugar at first. This was Piggy's issue. He was however the biggest baby there! And he had two amazing nurses. One who really helped me with the letting go process. And I can't lie, even knowing this wasn't a child that was ever meant to be mine, having him there, it was very hard to let go. Even his Mother helped me in a way I don't even think she knows, she asked, then allowed me to care for him as my own for a very short period. Though in a way it really helped. I now have some time that only I ever had with him. And they are mine and his forever. I call them our "stolen moments". Mommy C and family came and we so excited to see Piggy! Rightfully so. His big sister ADORES this kid let me tell you! She is just so in love with being a sister. There isn't a way I could have chosen a better family in a million life times. I will never forget while I was getting dressed how this little girl wretched my heart. She was fearful that I was getting ready to take her bother home with me. She sat down in front of the door and refused to move. Then at first didn't want to talk to me. Finally she let me assure her that I WAS NOT taking her baby away. I made a promise and I can't break a promise. And on his due date (just 3 days later) Piggy got to go home with his family. My hear of course broke a little. And this is a huge reason why I haven't been back to this before now. I needed time to heal. Now I've not ever regretted this adventure,but there is pain involved.

Now Piggy, why do I call him Piggy? Well its the nickname I gave him cause he was just that a little piggy! He would eat EVERY TWO HOURS like clock work. According to his mother he was finishing 2 oz bottles from the start! And every once in a while he'd make little piggy noises, at least for me. I think Mommy C said the same but even if not he did for me! He's a toddler now. Wow! Its been a year of recovery, of learning and growth. I get to watch him grow, and of course I still talk to Mommy C, though not as often as I used to. The day I had Piggy my family grew. I now have a niece and nephew, a "sister" and a "brother-in-law". And one day, hopefully sooner rather than later we'll all be able to get our toops in order to have a fun day!!

All in all this is an adventure of my life that I will cherish for the rest of time.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

15 weeks... all this craziness!

We are at 15 weeks and I know I haven't updated for a few weeks. Bad me. You know life with four kids is crazy! Sadly I don't have much of an update cause my OB had some emergency that took him out of town. But I have an appointment tomorrow! Right now I'm home bound, not by choice though. My van though that it needed a new radiator. I'm now going a bit stir crazy because of it. On the upside though Baby B (formally Baby R cause mommy and daddy have picked out names!) is in fact growing and starting to let me feel those little movements that assure me s/he is just fine in there. I can't sleep on my belly either. You can't see it but I'm making a sad panda face right now. I love sleeping on my belly, when I'm not nursing a sleepy twin. I still don't think I look pregnant though. Still just looking fat or bloated. I've also not told my family and only a few close friends know about what it going on. Timing hasn't been right and think I'm going to wait till we know the sex, or I'm actually starting to show. We will see what comes first. But none the less I'm sharing this will all of you! Cause well its exciting, I can't just keep it to myself. Why should I? This is exciting stuff. I mean Mama C and her family are getting something they have longed for. They have waited so long for this and to be a part of this truly makes me happy. It warms my heart to know that this child will have two families that love  him/her so much.  I can't think of a more deserving family either. They have so much to give. This is one lucky kid! Yes part of me is a little sad to think I won't be there for the day to day, but this isn't our child, s/he never was. I was just hand picked to get Baby B here safe and sound with ten perfect fingers and toes. All the cute little baby parts. So I'm going to do just that.

I hope you are all safe in the aftermath of Sandy and that this finds you all well!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Eleven Weeks and some change

Well everything is still going well. Baby R is growing and I'm a few days away from my next appointment. And food is staying down better. I can't complain there! Cause I'm like a fat kid in case you didn't know. I LOVES me some food! I don't have a lot To say today.... So I will keep it short!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The results are in!

OK! CALM DOWN! I know I've been slacking at updating you all since I had the ultrasound. But like with four kids and 3 under 3 is crazy at times. And I've been sick. Apparently my body didn't get the "Mommies don't get sick" memo this season. But I'm feeling better! And Holding food down better again. God does it feel good to eat!

Now I know you are all waiting.... so here we go. I started the day with my favorite game of 'How fast can you get a three year old, two nine month olds and a momma ready and out the door' and the answer is 10 you can get it done in 10 minutes. Or well I can. Yeah I'm that good. And make it to the appointment only 5 minutes late. Score 1 for me! Short wait and we get back to the ultrasound room, get up on the table. It was a really short lived appointment honestly. But there was ONE and only one little baby in there.

Baby R looks like a heart... And I think its fitting... cause this little tiny baby is surrounded by so much love already! Baby R is doing well. Had a very healthy heart rate of 171 bpm and should be arriving around April 29, 2013!

Momma C and Daddy C have seen baby R and are all excited about their new bundle! Now we're 9 weeks and 1 day in and I still can't eat red meats but I am holding down lighter meals and chicken stays down pretty well. Still really sleepy, but I know that will pass.

Over all baby R is growing and doing well... this momma is doing well, just have to kick the rest of this sickness. Until next time!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Food... yes I can eat!

I'm hoping this is a staying trend. As with my last two pregnancies I was crazy sick and couldn't eat much till well into my second trimester. But I'm eating and HOLDING DOWN (that is even more important) food. Oh yes! Its on! If you couldn't figure it out, I LOVE FOOD.... well I LOVE GOOD FOOD! And I'm willing to try just about anything. Cause the most surprising things can actually be really good.

Not a lot to really update on just waiting out the 19th so that I get to come home and first send Momma C and Daddy C a picture of Baby R! Then I will of course share with all of you! Hopefully you all understand the need to share with Momma and Daddy first, since they can't actually be here to come and see for them selves. Hopefully Momma C will be able to come up at some point during the pregnancy and just maybe if I'm lucky we can set up an ultrasound for while she's here. I know she's love that!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Ahhh..... still not many answers....

Well my appointment was eventful, sort of. Congrats to the mom that I had to wait 40 minutes on to have a baby! May your days be blessed and your nights restful.... eventually. That is the "down side" to having a private practice OB. Some times you have to wait. Over all though the appointment wasn't as eventful as we would have hoped. I'm about 10ish weeks. Even though my OB gave me a due date of "the week of March 26th" all just to cover ourselves for the truth! HAHA! There was a faint heartbeat for a second on the doppler... and it sounded great. But we are waiting to make any "finals" until I have an ultrasound on the 19th. To get a true EDD and head count (right now that head count it ONE). My OB said that it would be very unlikely to have twins back to back. Not impossible mind you, just very unlikely.

Momma C is so happy right now! Daddy C and her have talked it all over and they are 100% go on this!!! Momma is getting her baby! I'm so thrilled that I can do this. I'm so happy that I can help a this family complete itself. This is a joy that I've NEVER felt before.

Now you all have to wait to see Momma C's sweet little grape till next week!

Monday, September 10, 2012

T minus 18 hours

Could this TAKE any longer?! I've been actually waiting for the 11th! First time in a long time. I know its a tragic day for so many personally and for our country as a whole. But This year there is a bright spot. At 10 am I have an OB appointment. The first OB appointment! Meaning we will all know how far along I am how many babies are to be expected. Apparently Aaron thinks that I'm having triplets. I on the other hand actually knows what it is like to be pregnant with more than one child... and I do not have that feeling this time. Although I know that Momma C would LOVE her some twins!

So there we are..... with a clock ticking down...... tick.. tock... tick.... tock. Oh Hurry up!