Monday, August 27, 2012

In The Beginning

What better place to start then the beginning? Well just a few days ago I thought to myself... Hey my cycle has been all wonky, lets POAS. If you don't know... that is woman for Pee On A Stick. A Pregnancy test. So there I sat just 8 months after having twins. Nervous like a little 16 year old that KNEW better than to have been "so stupid" and frankly I left the bathroom. I went to the bed room and I told Aaron he had three minutes and then HE was going to look. I wasn't going to do it.

Ok.... Well that isn't the REAL start. That was a few weeks before all this when I was talking to another mom from my Dec 2011 group. Momma C. That is what I will call her. Well long story short. Momma C can't have children. Her and her husband have adopted in the past and then lost three babies after that. I can imagine how heart breaking that is. The last loss was when the birth mom changed her mind last minute after months of going on and on about how there was NO WAY she could afford the baby. That baby was born Dec 2011. Momma C and I were talking about me having a baby for her. Yes I brought this up, yes Aaron is on board. It was something laid on my heart and I couldn't shake it... I tried. It is my calling.  Well we were making plans to do this after my twins had turned one. Things were looking really good for this to fall into place. Then HE found out that we were making plans.... so HE threw the curve ball. 

They were positive. I'm pregnant, no clue how far along I am cause I've been breastfeeding and not had a regular period. I'm guessing i'm 4-8 weeks. I'd not be too surprised to learn I was a little further along. Now we are playing the waiting game. Waiting till my OB can get me in and answer all the impending questions... How far along? How many babies? Is it/ Are they healthy?

I've told Momma C after a LOOOOONG day at Disney... what a way to end that day huh? Momma is very excited and I know she's just as antsy, maybe even more so, than I am about my up coming Dr appointment. September 11.